Barging in Europe (Second Edition)
by Roger Van Dyken, published by Cedarbrook Press, 2005. 192 pages, 52 photos and illustrations.
Price: $22.95 (USD)
Shipping/Handling: $3 to US addresses, $5 to Canadian addresses. For all other countries, $8 (delivery in 6-8 weeks) or $18 (delivery in one week).

This new, expanded, and indexed second edition replaces the sold-out first edition. Barging in Europe is unlike any other book on the waterways of Europe. With practical hands-on guidelines on how to handle a barge on the rivers and canals of continental Europe, it includes such essentials as where to buy a barge, how to negotiate locks, "rules of the road" (including a color guide to most common waterway signals), critical safety procedures, fascinating canal history and cruising customs in various countries, plus practical preventive maintenance checklists and even Owners Notes on the operation of all equipment aboard the author's barge. Many illustrations and practical anecdotes from the author's extensive 6,000km, 20 year cruising experiences.
Cedarbrook Publishing
145 E. Cedar Drive
Lynden, WA 98264.
About the Author
Roger Van Dyken has cruised with his family over 4,000 miles on board his own barge through France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium. He is the author of the highly acclaimed "Barging in Europe ... the Essential Handbook", which is the only English language "how to" book combining barge purchase, handling characteristics, and canal and river rules and customs. The first edition is sold out, and a new expanded Second Edition, is at the printer and available for advance orders.
Roger and his family live in the same town as John, and acquired the dream of barge cruising while a harried state legislator and businessman. Concerned that his children were growing up rapidly as all too busy strangers (due to his schedule), he declared time out and bought a barge in Europe. He and his family cruised together for 17 months. What once he considered a "once in a lifetime experience" has acquired a life of its own through his book, his frequent barge trips, skipper training courses, and this company. He loves to share his knowledge of wandering Europe's wonderful network of waterways.